a talented team with a passion for games

We are Fanatee. Founded in 2013, our game development studio has a global identity and Brazilian roots. We make games that millions of people around the world play every single day.


Our games are played worldwide, and with a presence in more than 193 countries, our operation is set to reflect this international reach.






São Paulo, SP

The biggest city in South America is home to our main office. Our new offices are in the center of the famous Jardins neighborhood in São Paulo with a breathtaking view of Ibirapuera park.


florida, usa

Miami is home to our US hub, hosting part of our global operations and key stakeholders.

Fanatee In numbers

300 million

downloads and counting! In other words, approximately 2% of the world population has downloaded a Fanatee Game at some point.

11 languages

From Asia to Africa, to Europe, Oceania and the Americas, Fanatee games are being played around the world in a variety of languages.

12 billion

sessions, meaning the number of times our players have logged in to play any of our games since we launched.

Our dna

Here to entertain

At the end of the day, we want people to have fun playing our games. That's why we tirelessly work towards always offering an excellent gaming experience.


We actively listen to our communities in order to continue making games people love to play.

Eye for detail

We take pride in our meticulous product development processes, which focus on releasing quality products.

Business acumen

We turn great ideas into viable businesses, combining a deep understanding of the gaming industry across different markets, a global, multidisciplinary team and just the right dose of risk-taking.


We create and test game concepts that are unique, fun, engaging and add value to our audience.


We use the latest technology to improve the game experience of our players and position ourselves one step ahead in our industry.

Join our team!

Great games are made by great people.