Supporting our local community during the pandemic


In the past seven months, Fanatee had to quickly transition to a remote working model due to the Covid-19 health crisis. We have been fortunate enough to be able to continue operating without any disruption while still growing our team (link to careers). 

Pre-Covid, our office in São Paulo was the bustling hub of our operations and our newly renovated lounge area was the meeting point for all the teams and a place to chit chat and enjoy breakfast together or an afternoon snack. 

As our morning meetings and coffee breaks are now online, we decided to partner up with our office suppliers and come up with ways to support our local community in Sao Paulo, one of the epicenters of the pandemic in Brazil. 

As long as we stay away from our Sao Paulo HQ, the administrative team will continue to contribute the amount usually spent in office supplies as well as, in collaboration with our suppliers, donate and distribute products and supplies to local non-profit organizations that are supporting groups that have been impacted the most. 

The non-profits we are currently working with:

Gerando Falcões

Through their program “Corona no Paredão”, they are helping families to maintain social distancing through distributing meal cards and also enabling young students to attend school remotely by providing them with an internet connection and a mobile app for access to virtual classes and educational material. 

You can learn more about their work and donate here.


Liga Solidaria

Liga Solidaria is a non-profit organization that has been working with people in a state of high social vulnerability. During the pandemic, they launched a program called “Cestou na Liga” supporting 2000 families by providing meals and food supplies. 

Learn more about this organization and donate here.


União SP 

Uniao Sao Paulo is an initiative of various civil society organizations that came together to help families that have been affected by the pandemic in Sao Paulo. The focus on gathering and distributing food supplies and hygiene products to vulnerable communities in the state of Sao Paulo.

Learn about this initiative and how you can help.


Beija-Flores solidarios 

Is a grassroots organization that is focused on helping people living in extreme poverty by gathering and distributing food supplies and personal hygiene items. 

Reach out to the organization here.


This is an ongoing project that started soon after we started implementing social distancing back in March and we are continuing in partnership with these organizations. They are all still looking for donations in hygienic products, meal cards, or food supplies. If you are able to help please follow the links below to contact them.